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Killington Peak with winter snow

Killington Peak with winter snow 

It has been an interesting week from a news perspective at Killington. Everyday the new Killington president, Chris Nyberg, and been quoted with some pithy remark in the local press, or there has been some other titbit of news filtering out from resort management. Needless to say, because no one has experienced mountain operations under the new Killington management team, and because the people are still relatively unknown in the local community, the reaction to the various comments have ranged from congratulatory to the proverbial gnashing of teeth. If you are planning to visit Killington, or if you live elsewhere but own a second home in the region, it must be difficult to cut through all of the chatter concerning the region. But with a little work, a consistent message is beginning to emerge about the near term future of Killington.

"We get to eat what we kill!"
The local news week started Monday with an above the fold story in the Rutland Herald headlined "Powdr vows to polish Killington".Within the article is the memorable comment from Chis Nyberg "We get to eat what we kill!". In the visually saturated society we live in, this sound bite conjures up all kinds of images for people to "chew on". If you matured in the 90's who could forget the scene in Jurassic Park where the T Rex ate the Lawyer, cowering in the outhouse, for lunch. If you came of age in the late 70's/early 80s, you are filled with imagery from the movie "Jaws" of the great white shark eating the tourist swimming at night off the beach. But if you came of age in the 50's and 60's, like Chris Nyberg, your imagery might be of Uncle Jed Clampett from the TV show Beverly Hillbillies "shootin for some food and up from the ground comes some bubblin crude". It is very clear from public and private statements that unlike the American Skiing Company, which in recent years failed to invest in the resort and actually exported money from Killington, that Powdr Corporation intends to use money generated by operations and re-invest to continually improve the Killington experience. "Swimmin pools, movie stars" indeed!

"Pass Prices"
Monday and Tuesday brought more news from the resort with the announcement of season pass prices for the 2007/2008 ski season. Pass prices for an unlimited seasons pass to the Killington did increase by $380 dollars versus what was charged by the soon to be defunct ASC, which resulted in another above the fold story in the Rutland Herald on Tuesday entitled "Season ski pass price increase". The chatosphere on Killingtonzone also went wild with many blustering posts on the price increase, and a little nugget buried in the season pass announcement stating that the passes were valid "from Mid-November to Mid-April"(more on this later). Off course lost in all the comments was the fact that Killingtons 2007/2008 season pass prices are very competitive with other eastern resorts. Also lost was the fact that the pricing promoted by ASC in the last several years was clearly not sustainable from a business perspective resulting in untold problems for the area. Also, it is also important to remember that the prices announced for the 2007/2008 ski season are still significantly less than season pass prices for Killington during the late 80's, early 90's, which many now view as the heyday of the ski scene at Killington. Many in the chatosphere need to take a deep breath please! Season passes at Killington are still a great deal if you plan to ski multiple days at the resort this coming ski season.

"Mid-November to Mid-April"
Buried deep on only 1 of the pages Killington posted on their website was the comment " Killington/Pico season pass is valid from mid-November through mid-April, weather and snow conditions permitting". Oh my God! The sky is falling! What does this mean....In reality, from a PR and an historical perspective, I was rather shocked at this item, and equally amused by the buzz it has created online and around town. I have done some checking, and from a PR perspective it was totally unnecessary. The resort is trying to set expectations that they will manage the ski season as a business. Passes will in fact be valid from when they open to when they close for the 2007/2008 season. What the resort is really trying to do with this comment is start to manage expectations concerning the new realities being faced by the ski industry in general and Killington operations in particular. And the major reality check is that in an age of global warming the ski seasons at northeast resorts are shrinking. In recent history, the ski seasons for the vast majority of skiers and riders in the northeast have kicked off in Mid November, and they are basically done in Mid April. I am sorry to point this fact out, as I personally love to ski, but until we figure out ways to manage our environment better (no political statement meant here) we all have to adjust to the fact that the climate in the northeast is changing. Unfortunately, in stating the obvious, the Killington Resort created a PR flap they could have avoided. Of course we all would like to see a return to the glory days of skiing from September until June (I did it myself 15 year ago). But the reality of the world we live in today is different and we all need to adjust.

"Killington lifetime pass holders form group"
Buried deep in the middle of Wednesdays Rutland Herald and picked up by the AP for circulation around the globe was an article concerning the formation of the "Killington Skiers Advocate Association". This group has been formed to put pressure on Powdr Corp to reverse it's decision not to honor lifetime passes issued to early Killington investors. Many of these passes have been actively traded through the years to different people, or passed down in families to succeeding generations. At this point, I can't guess how this issue will be resolved. But I do know that each side is starting to harden it's position, and that will not bring good future press for Killington. Powdr and SP Land are clearly staking out the position that "lifetime passes" are not their responsibility. As far as they are concerned, the "lifetime" was that of Killington LTD and Ski LTD, which are still part of ASC but will soon cease to exist. Of course, pass holders consider a different meaning of lifetime. I would guess that we will be hearing more on this story as the matter gets reviewed by the Vermont Attorney Generals office. This one could be a wild ride for a few months, so hold on.

"Elephant, birds, and bugs"
No matter what you think about the resort, the new president Chris Nyberg is a colorful character. In the recent issue of the Mountain Times in the Mountain Musings column, Chris is quoted at the select board meeting commenting that the resort needs a "symbiotic relationship" with the community "like... the friendly birds that live on the back of an elephant and pick the bugs off". Now comparing Killington to an elephant, local business to birds, and visitors to bugs is an interesting syllogism which has amused some and infuriated others. Historically Killington and local businesses have worked together to attempt to delight guests so they would come back again and again, not feast on them one time and say good bye. I do not know Chris personally, so I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. Chris' syllogism was close, but to quote Don Adams of agent Maxwell Smart fame: "missed it by that much".

Goodbye ASC
Finally, the denouement... ASC is dead. Long live Killington. In a formal posting to the Securities and Exchange Commission, the American Skiing Company announced that they will dissolve with the completion of the sale of their properties in Maine. Of course, we would not even be having a conversation about Powdr and Killington if the business model used by ASC had been successful. Except for the common stock holders of ASC (and I know a few), everything at Killington should work out for the best. We can all come out and play now because the " Wicked Witch is Dead". Long live Killington.

Through out it's history, colorful characters have made Killington a premier ski resort. Vision, determination, and some times a little wackyness, are all part of the equation. Mary and I believe that Killington is a great place to visit, and a great place to live, otherwise I would not be writing about it. We truly believe that Powdr has a shot at renewing the resort and improving the overall experience of visitors to the region. Come on up to Killington to visit. You might like it so well you will decide to move here permanently... We did!

Where ever you may be, just remember to keep it in the fairway and use your sunscreen.

Killington Peak

Killington Peak 

As promised by Killington president Chris Nyberg, Powdr Corp announced season pass prices for the upcoming 2007/2008 ski season at Killington.

When purchased by July 31, adults can enjoy unlimited skiing and riding next season at Killington and Pico for $999. For young adults and seniors, the price is $799. The price for children and super seniors is $699.

Again this season, the mountain will provide a Killington and Pico Black Out Pass. The price for all ages is $599 for this pass product which includes 18 black out days. The black out days include 11/23-11/24/07, 12/26/07-1/1/08, 1/19/08-1/20/08 and 2/16/08-2/22/08. For those who want to only ski mid week, a Killington/Pico mid week pas is priced at $299. All pass prices do not include 6% VT Sales tax.

Several item stand out on the pass price announcement. First, the prices listed are valid until July 31. There is no mention of pass pricing after that date, other than to mention that a Pico Only and College Pass will be announced in August. Secondly, there is a new payment plan this year. If you order your pass via credit card, 50% of the price will be charged with the order. The balance will be charged on August 31, allowing credit payments to be spread out for pass purchasers.

Of note, there is also a disclaimer in the pass offering stating: "A Killington/Pico season pass is valid from mid-November through mid-April, weather and snow conditions permitting, providing access to more than 1,200 acres of the most diverse skiing and riding terrain in New England served by 32 lifts." What that means about potential opening/closing dates for skiing and riding at Killington next season is anyones guess. We will have to stay tuned.. So it goes.

Complete information on Killington's season pass products can be found on Killington's web site. Of course, while we are thinking about the coming winter season at Killington, it is just a beautiful June day here in the mountains. Where ever you may be, keep it in the fairway, and don't forget the sunscreen.

Hole #15 Killington Resort Golf Course with Killington Peak in the background.

Hole #15
Killington Resort Golf Course
with Killington Peak in the background. 

The Killington area is home to many great Vermont golf courses. On Friday, Mary and I had the opportunity to play our first complete round of the year on the Killington Resort Golf Course. It was well worth the afternoon.

For Killington fans, last Friday was the annual "Goombay Golf Classic" sponsored by the Grist Mill and Bacardi Rum. Over 100 golfers from the region and beyond teed off in the tournament this year at the Killington Resort links. Mary and I, along with our friends Carolyn and Bill, carded a very respectable 2 under 70 hitting 15 out of 18 greens in regulation with 2 birdies and no bogies. Golf can be a game of shoulda woulda coulda some times, and Friday was one of those days. We "coulda" had a much lower score if a few of our first putts dropped. But so it goes.

On the plus side, however, I am very happy to report that the Killington Resort Golf Course is in great shape. Course conditions were probably the best in 5 years. While the mountainside course can still serve up a few errant bounces in spots, for the most part the course was playing true with dry fairways and very receptive greens....all with the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont forming a backdrop to every swing. We had a very nice afternoon.

Where ever you may be this weekend, keep it in the fairway, and don't forget your sunscreen. Oh...and it's Fathers Day... Call Dad!

Innkeepers, Bill and Mary, with

Innkeepers, Bill and Mary, with
"Team Killington" organizers
Noel and Dick Gluck. 

It is hard to believe, but the official start of summer is only a few days away. While we have still been receiving guests at Birch Ridge for the last couple of months, with our restaurant closed, Mary and I have had a good amount of time to ourselves to refresh from last winter.

Looking forward to the summer, our restaurant at Birch Ridge re-opens for dinner service for the summer season on Friday June 29th. Chef Stephen "Frizzie" Byrne will once again be delighting diners with his delicious faire. As we have done in prior years, this summer we will be serving dinner Wednesday thru Saturday evenings starting at 6:00 PM complimented with brunch on Sunday mornings.

The first brunch of the summer season, on Sunday July 1, is a special benefit brunch held to support "Team Killington" and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Each year local residents Dick and Noel Gluck organize Killington area residents and guests to form "Team Killington" to participate in the Komen Foundations Vermont "Race for the Cure". This year's race takes place on July 29th. Dick and Noel's group have raised thousands of dollars over the years to support the Komen foundations efforts to battle breast cancer. Mary and I are very happy that once again we will be able to donate all proceeds generated at the July 1st brunch at Birch Ridge to support "Team Killington's" efforts. Sunday Brunch will be served at the Birch Ridge Inn each Sunday during the summer season from July 1st thru September from 11:00 AM to 2:30 PM. Seating is first come, first served. We hope that you can join us on July 1st and help support the fight against breast cancer.

For additional information about Sunday Brunch at Birch Ridge, or for summer dinner and lodging reservations, feel free to call the inn at 800-435-8566, or 802-422-4293, or go online to www.birchridge.com.

Birch Ridge Inn Snow Stake retired for the summer

Birch Ridge Inn Snow Stake
retired for the summer 

I finally put away the snow stake, officially recognizing that summer is upon us in Vermont. Of course, I was also being quite pragmatic, as Johnny C needed to have a clear run to cut the grass in the area where the snow stake resides for the winter. It is just amazing how quickly the grass grows in the mountains given a little rain, some sunshine, and comfortable temperatures. They don't call them the Green Mountains for nothing!

It has been a fairly quiet week around town. Mary and I have spent most of our time either working at the Inn or playing in various golf tournaments. The Killington Chamber of Commerce had a little tournament on the Killington Resort course in the showers on Tuesday. It was nice to have a chance to get out on the course with some of my friends who work at the resort. This was my first outing on the resort course this summer, and it was in really good shape. Probably the best early season shape in the last 5 years. I only got a chance to play the front nine. Next week, the Grist Mill sponsors a tournament a the resort course, so we will get a chance to see the whole layout.

On Wednesday, Mary and I played in a tournament at Green Mountain National to benefit charities sponsored by the Killington Rotary. The greens at Green Mountain are just coming in super. Green Mountain purchased a new green roller at the beginning of the season, and it is really starting to show in the quality of the putting surfaces.

A couple of weeks ago I purchase a new Callaway driver. Over the last couple of weeks, when most of the golf we have been playing is in a scramble format, you can just swing away. I have been pretty happy with the new driver so far as it is just crushing the ball off the tee. It will be interesting to see if I am still happy with it next week when I have some individual rounds scheduled. Who knows what it will do for my golf handicap this summer.

Where ever you may be this weekend, keep it in the fairway and don't forget your sunscreen.

Killington Town Hall Sign

Killington Town Hall Sign 

At a meeting last night in the Killington town offices, executives from Powdr Corp, Chris Nyberg, and SP Land LLC, Steve Selbo, met with the Killington Board of Selectmen to discuss their views on the operations of the Killington Resort. According to people directly involved in the meeting, the overall presentation indicated that the resort would be operated with more focus, aimed at improving overall profitability of ski operations.

A note widely circulated around town this morning from a meeting attendee, and quoted with permission below, commented that Powdr Corp plans discussed last evening included the following:

1. Powdr will make modest capital investments next year, in areas that will not be totally evident to most people. (Note from Bill.. In prior public statements, Powdr had stated that they will be spending much of their time and initial development dollars improving resort infrastructure to enhance the guest experience. But many of the improvements would, by their nature, be invisible to resort guests.)

2. Skier visits will probably drop, as a reaction to higher prices and fewer give aways. All programs involving free skiing, including programs involving local students will be reexamined.

3. Powdr's emphasis will be on higher margins from fewer skier visits, resulting in more profits(higher yield per skier).

4. Future capital investment will be funded from profits/cash flow. Funding will be at a maintenance level until profits make more possible.

5. Major lift improvements will wait for profits. Adjustments might occur in lifts where it makes sense to accomodate/enhance skier traffic and improvement of skier enjoyment.

6. Marketing will be done by a small group of highly skilled people. The effectiveness of marketing dollars will be closely monitored and scutinized to assure payback to the ski resort.

7. Internally managed and run programs will be favored over outsourced/local contracts.

8. Emphasis will be on winter, not summer guest traffic.

9. The interconnect is probably at least five years away, more likely 10 years , based on profitability/turnaround/ real estate sales.

10. Impact of lower skier traffic will not be the primary concern. More emphasis will be placed on higher margin busines with fewer guests. Fewer guests will not mean that less emphasis will be placed on real estate development. Real estate development may be focused on high end real estate/ high margin business.

11. Real estate development is a 25 year project. A lot needs to be done to get it started. Partners wil be considered in high risk investments.

12. Powdr and SP Land have minority investments in each others business..

From the perspective as a Killington business owner, it is too early to tell what this all means. On the one hand, I totally understand the need to drive the resort to profitability. That is the only way, long term, for a business to sustain itself. I also appreciate the need to immediately improve segments of the resort operations which may not be directly visible to resort guests, provided that the net effect is to improve the overall guest experience.

It is hard to react to the comments concerning skier visits and marketing, as both have been declining in recent years under previous resort management. In recent years, with the advent of a variety of very low cost seasons passes, ASC had changed the nature of the resort, resulting in an increase in day skier traffic and a decline in long term visitors. Those changes did not improve the resort. In my opinion, as an innkeeper, re-aiming the resort to providing a quality experience for people spending multiple days visiting the resort is a good thing, if that is the message Powdr is trying to give. Only time will tell...So it goes.

P.S. Don't forget your sunscreen.

Johnny Boys Pancake House on the Killington Road

Johnny Boys Pancake House
on the Killington Road 

Since we have returned from Ireland, the weather at Killington has been very good. So having a rainy day today was not a bad thing. Instead of an 8:30 AM tee time this morning at Green Mountain National, the group I was scheduled to play golf with got together at a great place for breakfast on the Killington Road, Johnny Boys Pancake House. I went the traditional Bacon and Eggs route (sunnyside up). Within the group we also had an omelette, pancakes, and a Johnny Boy - something like Eggs Benedict only with a jalapeno cheese sauce replacing the hollandaise.

Of course at breakfast we solved all of the worlds problems (we should be congratulated for that) as well as comparing notes about what is going on around town. The biggest thing on deck in town, of course, is the new ownership of Killington. Nothing new to report on that front, as the new owners have taken a decidedly low profile. Rumor has it that season pass prices will be released for the next ski season later this week, but other than that it is very quiet in town.

At the inn, the day without golf has helped me catch up with some of the other items on my plate. Most of my work at the inn over the next couple of weeks will be related to re-opening the restaurant at the end of the month, as well as menu preparation for the upcoming Killington Wine Festival in the middle of July. Until then, if you get out on the course in the near future, keep it in the fairway, and don't forget the sunscreen.

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