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First Snow 2005-2006 Season, Sunday October 23, 2005

First Snow 2005-2006 Season, Sunday October 23, 2005 

For those of you who know me, getting up before 9 AM is usually heroic. This morning was no exception. Particularly since we had a complete power failure around 6:00 AM resulting in our inn's alarm system going off in my ear. (We have an alarm panel beside our bed in the owners quarters. When power goes out, we have 45 seconds to figure it out before it calls our alarm company to dispatch people to the inn. It does not set off the general alarm in the inn, so guests were not disturbed. But it is designed to wake us up if something happens while we are asleep.)

But getting up early today was relatively easy as today is officially "First Snow Day" in Killington of the 2005-2006 winter season. I just had to get up and take a look around town.

We have received around 4 inches of very heavy wet snow at the inn overnight. Other than some fallen trees, roads around town were quite passable. I drove up to the mountain to see what was going on at the top of the hill. When I left the inn, the mountain (which is less than 1 mile away) was completely invisible in a dense snow haze. I could not get a clear shot of Killington peak, because it was totally shrouded in clouds. But I can report that Killington, at least at the K1 Base Lodge, had received approx. 6 inches of snow. Not exactly sure what they had at the peak; I am sure that we will get an email alert message on it some time today.

The picture for today was taken looking over the K1 Base Lodge towards SuperStar at approximately 9:15 AM. I was somewhat surprised that I did not see a few people out taking some turns. But that will be soon I am sure. Especially if more snow comes later this week as forecasted.

First Snow 2005-2006 Season, Saturday October 22, 2005

First Snow 2005-2006 Season, Saturday October 22, 2005 

While much of the nation was watching Roger Clemens getting hurt by the Chicago White Sox, the precipitation falling from the sky at Killington turned crystalline. It's not much, but it is a start. This picture was taken in the parking lot of the Birch Ridge Inn at approximately 10:30 PM. Hopefully we will be able to get a good shot of the mountain with a lovely cap of snow in the morning.

Killington getting ready for ski season, Friday October 21, 2005

Killington getting ready for the season, Friday October 21, 2005 

We had the first general hard frost in the Killington region last night. At the inn, the roof and cars were covered with a heavy frost build up. When I left about 10:45 AM, the shadows around the inn were still frosted over, so I was optimistic that when I got to the mountain, that I would see white again. However, it was not to be. My partner Mary went up to the mountain around 7 AM to try to take an early morning picture. She reports that the mountain peaks (Killington, Skye, Pico) were all socked in with heavy clouds. Perhaps there was an inversion last night which kept the peaks frost free. It's hard to tell. The only thing I know for certain was that by 11 AM the peaks had no sign of any frost or crystalline precipitation.

The Killington resort is continuing to get ready for winter. This picture shows Snowshed. All of the grass has been mowed to allow efficient capture of the first snow, and facilitate snow making operations. Hopefully that happens in the next week or so. This picture was taken from the Upper Snowshed Parking Lot, looking up-slope with Skye Peak just out of frame to the upper right. It was taken at approximately 11 AM.

First White at Killington Peak, Thursday October 20, 2005

First White at Killington Peak, Thursday October 20, 2005 

Killington Peak appears to have had a real frost last night. In recent days, I have been going to the mountain to try to record "First White". The resort had been reporting "Snow Flakes" at the peak, but nothing was visible at the base. Today it was different. Killington clearly was frosted with a beautiful white cap this morning. With a killer frost predicted for this evening, it looks like winter may finally be announcing its imminent return. This picture was taken on the the Killington Road at the Rams Head Entry Sign, looking towards Killington Peak. It was taken at approximately 11 AM.

Killington Peak, Wednesday October 19, 2005

Killington Peak, Wednesday October 19, 2005 

The rain has appeared to have cleared out, at least momentarily. Temperatures dipped into the low 40's over night at the 2000 foot level, which is still very warm for this time of year. The Killington Ski Resort has reported snow in the air at the top of Killington Peak. However, as you can see from the picture for today, no snow is visible from the Base. This picture was taken on the Slope Side of the Killington Base Lodge looking towards Killington Peak. It was taken at approximately 10 AM.

South Pond, Friday October 14, 2005

South Pond, Friday October 14, 2005 

If you really look through the haze, fog, rain, hail, and wind that we have been experiencing in Vermont over the last 2 weeks, you could see some spectacular fall colors. 2 weeks of rain can put a damper on a lot of things, but the trees mother nature planted do have a schedule to keep as they prepare for winter. Going into the weekend, the maples are still showing red, although they are thinning out. The Oaks are turing golden, heading towards rust. The poplar are still on the green side, but they are beginning to turn towards yellow. The season is running very late. The weather forecast for the area predicts cold temperatures for next week. Assuming we do not get a lot of wind, the cold temperatures should bring out the remaining color. This picture was taken on Route 4 West of the Sherburne Pass overlooking South Pond. It was taken at approximately 12 noon.

Killington Columbus Day Ski Sale and Swap at Snowshed base lodge, Saturday October 8, 2005

Killington Columbus Day Ski Sale and Swap at Snowshed base lodge, Saturday October 8, 2005 

Inclement weather has not kept away skiers and riders looking for equipment bargains at the annual Columbus Day Weekend Ski Swap and Sale at Killington. The event is held each year at the Snowshed Base Lodge to benefit the Killington Ski Club. I spoke directly with several ski shop owners who were promoting their wares at the event. They were reporting that in spite of the rain, that the number of people buying merchandise at the sale seemed consistent with the last several years. I saw many people walking out of the base lodge with new and used ski's and snow boards. Now all we need is some cold weather to turn the Non-Crystaline Precipitation, AKA "NCP" we are experiencing into something white, light, and fluffy.

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