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Snow making operations continuing in the Canyons just before sunset.

Snow making operations continuing in the
Canyons just before sunset. 

Today was one of those quiet days in Killington. The rush of the Christmas holidays is over. Most of the clean up is done. The guests that are still in the area are all on vacation and very happy to be taking time away from work. The resort has life and activity, but the crowd induced mayhem of last week has subsided significantly.

On the hill, the resort is continuing to take advantage of favorable snow making conditions to pump out snow. Operations were visible in the Canyon area when I went up to the hill late this afternoon. A little natural snow would help, but in this weird winter, the fact that it is cold enough to make snow is a wonderful thing.

Mary on the Superstar Chair

Mary on the Superstar Chair 

After a 2 week hiatus due to the Christmas Holidays, Mary and I went out on the slopes this morning. What a great way to start out the New Year!

Since we were last on the mountain, Killington has done a massive job blowing snow and expanding terrain. We were able to do a full loop today, starting on the Superstar Quad, going over to Bear Mountain, Needles Eye, Skye Lark and Bittersweet, then up to Kpeak for some runs at North Ridge. Just amazing how much snow Killington has blown to get all of that terrain open.

Conditions this morning were variable. Last night we had a funky little storm which produced freezing rain at some altitudes (like around the Inn at 1870 feet) and light snow at higher elevations. As a result, depending upon which slope you took, you needed to be prepared for conditions ranging from nice soft powder, silky smooth man made snow, or the proverbial "Dust on Crust", especially where the surface was wind blown. It did not really matter that much to us, however, as we were outside, on the mountain, skiing! A great way to spend a sunny winter day!

Snow Making Operations on Downdraft at Killington on December 31st.

Snow Making Operations on Downdraft at Killington on December 31st. 

Happy New Year from Killington Vermont!

Mary and I spent the evening tending to guests at the inn. This was our 9th New Years Eve at the inn, and it was thankfully uneventful. We had a nice crowd for dinner at our second seating. (A few no shows for the first seating---shame on you!... but so it goes) From our small sample, people were generally up beat about 2007. Of course, the people we spoke to were on a holiday at a ski resort, so the sample demographic was definitely skewed in one direction.

We met a lot of nice people over the holiday week. From past guests that have visited with us many times, to new guests enjoying the inn for the first time. Many of them are headed home as I write this, although we do have a solid week ahead of us.

Mary and I are both looking forward to getting out on the mountain. With the holidays it has been 2 weeks since we have had an opportunity to go skiing. A lot has changed on the mountain in since we were last on the hill, so we intend to partake of the slopes when we can this week.

I would like to thank everyone who has been doing snow dances. The ground around the inn is solidly white.... but Keep Dancing... we still need more snow!

Birch Ridge Inn with falling snow, December 30, 2006

Birch Ridge Inn with falling snow,
December 30, 2006 

We have had a very busy week at the inn. Along the way, there have been a series of minor "miracles" which have helped us get through the week. That is just the nature of owning a business at a ski resort during the holiday weeks. Whether it's the butter knives from Bert, Mary's sister driving in from New York to help out around the inn, new inn staff really stepping up and helping out, or just the great guests we have had this last week, we have truly been blessed with a great holiday this year.

So imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning to see the ground covered with 3 inches of light snow with snow still falling! Beautiful, light, white and fluffy snow. You can not image how this will lift the spirits of all of the locals and guests in the area! The next 2 days at Killington will probably rank in the top 5 busiest days of this weird 2006/2007 ski season. The snow could not come at a better time...even if I need to get my snow blower out this afternoon for a few laps around the parking lot.

Let it snow... Let it snow.... Let it snow!!!!

Killington Base Lodge, busy with holiday visitors.

Killington Base Lodge, busy with holiday visitors. 

Words have trouble describing how great the mountain looks. After a few inches of snow, and a ton of snow making, the Killington Resort looks like the great ski resort it is for holiday visitors. Traffic in the area today is very high, with all of the mountains parking lots filled with skiers and riders enjoying the mountain. Snow making temperatures have persisted the last couple of days, allowing the resort to continue to open more terrain to spread out the holiday crowds. From my trip to the mountain today, it look like the Rams Head area was open top to bottom after yesterdays snow making. The resort is also pushing towards Bear Mountain, opening the return trail "Brearly" to be able to take advantage of the Bear Mountain parking lot.

Bread and Butter knives from Park City UT
Thank You Bert!

Like the resort, this week at the inn is very busy. In the latest in a collection of "Christmas Miracles" to occur this week, this morning a care package arrived from Park City Utah. Our friends, Peter and Bert, live in Park City in the winter. In our restaurant, we use some eclectic bread and butter knives. Bert is always on watch for them when she travels cross country. Well today, 9 boxes of them arrived at our door. Not too soon either, as they will be put into service very quickly over this holiday week. Bert...Thank you..thank you..thank you..

Skiers and Riders queuing at the K1 Gondola at Killington

Skiers and Riders queuing at the K1 Gondola at Killington 

Mother Nature.... Thank You!

Christmas week vacationers to the Killington area have been greeted the last 36 hours by mountains and countryside blanketed in a beautiful white patina. While only an inch or so deep in places, the white stuff has boosted the spirits those arriving, as news reports had them anticipating a dull grey landscape instead of beautiful white.

Killington is taking advantage of the cold temperatures and continuing to blow snow on the mountain. Today when I visited the hill, it looked like the resort was making an all out assault on the Rams Head area to get those trails up to snuff for families visiting the area of the next couple of days. Over the next couple of days, it looks like the resort will continue to receive some help from Mother Nature as cold temperatures and light snow is forecasted for the mountains.... Think snow!

Christmas Gifts

Christmas Gifts 

All around town, anticipation is in the air. Christmas week is upon us. Guests are traveling from all over the world to visit Killington. Innkeepers, and Shop Keepers, and Restauranteurs, and ski instructors, waiters, waitresses, bar tenders, taxi drivers.... they are all ready for what can be the busiest week of the winter season.

And it finally snowed!!! (yea) ...not the light powdery kind that I would close the inn for to take a few turns... but the ground is white none the less. I actually needed to use a snow shovel this afternoon to clear the heavy wet snow off of the walks around the inn. And our plow guy is due momentarily to get the stuff off the parking lot...It's great!

Now if we could just get a few feet of the white stuff, I might actually be able to fire up the snow blower.....Think snow!

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