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Tuesday, Sep 21, 2021
Foliage colors popping all around Killington
Color starting to show around Killington PeaK. From the 18th tee at the Killington Golf Course

Color starting to show around Killington PeaK
Taken from the 18th tee at the Killington Golf Course

Color starting to show around Killington PeaK. From the 18th tee at the Killington Golf Course

Color starting to show around Killington PeaK
Taken from the 18th tee at the Killington Golf Course

Mother Nature has her own clock! Her clock does not need batteries. Her clock does not stop due to pandemic infections, nor political insurrections. Her clock does not care about stragegic retreats, nuclear deals, infrastructure bills, or budget reconcilliations. Basically, we humans are but visitors along for the ride through the time ticked off by Mother Natures clock.

And we have front row seats to Mother Natures biggest party of the year, the annual changing of the colors in the Green Mountains, during what we call 'Fall Foliage Season'.

Color is starting to appear in general around Killington. For the last several weeks, the early signal trees were announcing falls imminent arrival by their subtle color change. But now with the arrival of the Autumnal Equinox tomorrow, all of the trees in the Green Mountain National Forest are beginning to take part.

Color is developing on the slopes of Killington. Around the inn, most of the trees are still bright green, but many are developing hints of color in their upper canopies. For the next 3 to 4 weeks, there will be some pronounced changes occurring each day. It is always fun to get out and enjoy the spectacle Mother Nature puts on for us each year.

At the Birch Ridge Inn, we are accepting lodging reservation directly and through our online partners for dates in the fall. Due to the high vaccination rates of Vermont citizens, covid-19 regulations for through out Vermont are fairly relaxed. We have taken many steps to protect inn guests at the inn. Visit our 'Stay Healthy' page on the inns website for more information.

In addition to lodging, our restaurant is open for dinner service. Currently we are serving Wednesday throu Sunday during the fall. We are serving dinner in the inns Great Room using limited seating out of a healthy respect for Covid-19 and keeping our guests and staff healthy and safe. The restaurants menu is available on the inn's website : birchridge.com. Reservations are being accepted online or via phone at 800.435.8566 or 802.422.4293.

In the mean time, plan a trip to Vermont to see the fall colors. Whether it's an overnight stay, or a one day drive by, you will not be disappointed. Please follow Covid=19 Stay safe Practices including social distancing, wearing a facial covering, and washing your hands. If you have not been vacinated yet.... Go GET THE JAB!. It may save your life, and protect those around you. It is all that simple, and it will help all of us stay healthy..and allow us to have a ski season in the mountains once again this year.

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