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Wednesday, Dec 16, 2009
Cool temps perk up slopes at Killington
Rogues on display.  From left...Ray, Mary, Howie, Mike, Chad, and Dale on Skylark at Killington.

Rogues on display. From left...Ray, Mary, Howie, Mike, Chad, and Dale on Skylark at Killington.

Rogues on display.  From left...Ray, Mary, Howie, Mike, Chad, and Dale on Skylark at Killington.

Rogues on display. From left...Ray, Mary, Howie, Mike, Chad, and Dale on Skylark at Killington.

Finally, a day on the slopes of Killington this week...

Mary and I took the opportunity to head out to the mountain this morning to "exercise" the ski legs. Overall conditions were very good with cool temperatures and plenty of snow.

The resort was operating lifts today on K Peak, Superstar, and Snowdon. Snow making operations were ongoing the length of Rams Head (which the resort plans to open this coming weekend) and Upper Bittersweet down to High Road. Rumors were circulating around the mountain that snow making was about to commence in the Needles Eye area, but from various viewing spots around the mountain, we could not visually confirm that. Snowmaking guns were set up, with hoses connected, the length of Superstar as well. It would not be a surprise to see snow making begin on Superstar in the next day or so, if not sooner.

Surface conditions were somewhat variable, but overall very good. Upper trails on Killington Peak in the North Ridge Area were well snow covered. 2 to 3 inches of light fluff greeted us on Rime, Reason and Upper East Fall. East Fall proper was still on the slick side, especially at the squeeze point midway down the trail, but the golf balls and death cookies of last week were gone. We did not choose to ski over to Chute today. And we also did not do Highline, as it was closed for the ski bum races, better known locally as "World Cup Wednesday"

We traversed across the top of the resort from Killington Peak thru Blue Heaven and High Traverse to Skylark and Bittersweet. Skylark had really nice snow on the upper and middle portions of the trail. Lower Skylark looked like it had a few "spots". We did not ski it, nor for that matter did we observe anyone on it during our time out this morning. Lower Bittersweet was in decent shape for the run back to the Superstar quad. Some ball bearings in spots, but very skiable.

Temperatures through the morning appeared to be going down. We started the day at about 20 degrees. When we got back we were looking at 16.

Temperatures overnight are forecasted to fall into the single digits, if not lower. It should be a good night for Killingtons snow makers..... let it snow!

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