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Thursday, Dec 3, 2009
Weather event clearing thru Killington. Attention turns to thermometer.
All eyes are on the thermometer.

All eyes are on the thermometer.

All eyes are on the thermometer.

All eyes are on the thermometer.

Oh the weather outside is frightful...whoops...not yet...well maybe..I'm so confused...

That just about sums up the weather at Killington the last 12 hours. Overnight, a warm moist storm system rolled through the area with heavy r@!n. At mid morning, the storm has lifted, leaving in it's wake some fairly strong winds, a little drizzle, and a lot of cloud cover. Now the wait begins... When with the temperature fall enough to allow the resort to re-light their snow making system and get on with winter?

I did travel up to the mountain at mid morning. The K1 gondola was turning. There were people skiing and riding, mostly Killington Mountain School and College Ski Team types in training. The cloud cover at the top of the mountain was too thick to take any decent pictures from the base, but it did look like the run out along lower Bunny Buster to the K1 Gondola did survive the weather event.

Dangling crystal ornament on the Christmas Tree.
Dangling crystal ornament on the Christmas Tree.
Click to enlarge.

The temperature forecast for the next week looks like it is heading to the basement. That will be great from the standpoint of Killingtons' snowmakers. Killington has laid out an aggressive plan to expand terrain over the next 7 to 10 days. Cold weather is the key. Of course, how it will effect tomorrows surface conditions remains to be seen. I did bring our skis over to the Forerunner Ski Shop this morning to get them tuned up on the chance we hit the mountain tomorrow.

Christmas Tree Update: Most of the ornaments are now hung on the tree. Stop by the inn this weekend for it's first public viewing of the holiday season.

......let it snow!

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