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Tuesday, Nov 10, 2009
In case you did not notice: Killington to open Wednesday November 11th for Veterans Day
Killington Peak on Opening Day

Killington Peak on Opening Day

Killington Peak on Opening Day

Killington Peak on Opening Day

In case you did not notice while you were working, the Killington Resort announced that they would be celebrating Veterans Day on Wednesday by being open for skiing and riding. The lifts will start turning at 9:00 AM.

Weather in the Killington area the last 2 days was down right balmy. Mary and I have spent most of our time outside working around the inn. The trees were very prolific this year, gracing us with a copious amount of leaves which need to be disposed of.

Holiday lights being put on the front of the inn.
Holiday lights being put on the front of the inn.
Click to enlarge.

The warm weather has also allowed us the treat of being able to put up the holiday lights on the outside of the inn without requiring long underwear to fight off the cold. The folks at Christmas Decor have installed new LED lights on the front of the inn. We have ordered Led's for the Carriageway, as they will pay for themselves over the course of the winter with electricity savings. I have also spent a lot of time the last 2 days climbing trees along the Killington Road. Last year we put some lights in some of the trees on the front of our property. We liked the look and decided to do it again this year.

Conceptual Plan for Killington Village.
Conceptual Plan for Killington Village.
Click to enlarge.

Finally, with all of the celebration about the Resort opening for the season, it should also be noted that the Town of Killington Planning Commission last week granted approval for the "Planned Unit Development Review and Conceptual Master Plan Application: The Village PUD for the Ski Village II District". In english, the planning commission approved the conceptual master plan for the village that is being planned by SP Land for construction at the resort.

SP Land received "Concept" approval for the construction of 1972 residential units, and 124K sq feet of commercial /retail space. While they are a long way off from being able to begin construction, it is an important milestone in the ongoing saga of the development of a ski village at Killington. Before construction can begin, SP Land needs to obtain approval from the State of Vermont under Act 250 land use regulations, and come back to the town planning commission with full details and construction permit requests (and a fairly big check for the permits). SP Land sought conceptual approval so they could begin the engineering process to move forward with the ski village project. Without question, we will be hearing a lot more about this in the future.

With Killington re-opening tomorrow, I might need to take a few runs. The resort has not yet committed to be open over the weekend, taking it on a day to day basis. Hopefully overnight temperatures will be low enough for them to resume snowmaking operations.........let it snow!

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