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Wednesday, Nov 4, 2009
Killington making snow. Trying to get open for the season.
Snowmaking resumes on Killington Peak

Snowmaking resumes on Killington Peak

Snowmaking resumes on Killington Peak

Snowmaking resumes on Killington Peak

The Killington Resort resumed snow making operations last evening. Temperatures on Killington Peak fell enough to allow the resort to turn on their compressors, pump some water, and make some snow.

To put the day in perspective however, you would have only needed to have followed me around to see what the resort is up against. When I got to the front of the inn this morning around 8:30 the ground around the inn was mottled with a light snow that had fallen over night. To me that was a good sign, but the temperature was already approaching 40 and it was melting fast. I took a picture of the snow stake just for giggles... although there was really nothing to measure.

Snowdon Fan Gun
New Fan Gun on Mouse Trap in action.
Click to enlarge.

After checking on a few things around the inn, I headed out to the mountain to see what was happening on the hill. The top of Killington Peak was lit up with snow guns. The whole peak was shrouded in a man-made blizzard. Snow guns were not visible at lower elevations, other than the Fan Gun running on Snowdon and a strange fog over the K1 Base Lodge. Temperatures in the Upper Snowshed Parking lot at 9:30, according to my Subaru, were at 34...Pretty marginal for snow making, I would guess, but I will leave that to the experts.

Upon driving up to the K1 Base to see what the "fog" was, I discovered that the resort was attempting to run another fan gun. This one was on wheels clearly meant to be moved around. I can't really tell how good a job it was doing, as I did not walk up to the deck on the K1 Base Lodge to find out. But while I was there, I saw it being shut down. The Subaru was saying it was 35 outside...and the day was only due to get warmer

Moveable Fan gun at K1
Moveable fan gun at K1 operating at around 9:30 AM.
Click to enlarge.

When I returned to the inn, the temperature was now in the mid 40's. I spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon working outside. By lunch, the thermometer was touching 50. Although there was a crispness in the air, the overall warm temperatures (by the normal standards of Killington in early November) just told me that this was a day to be outside. No heavy coat or gloves required. With any luck, we won't get many more like this until next May.

The Resort is now saying that they are on a day to day footing about deciding to open this weekend. The weather forecasts are still all over the map in terms of the length and depth of cold air capping the region. I have no doubt from speaking with senior management, and workers on the hill, that the resort wants to pull the trigger and get open. Everything is set up to make that happen. Except the variable the resort can't control....cold.

So we will keep our fingers crossed, and shop for the best weather forecast, while we wait for the ski season to begin.......let it snow!

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