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Thursday, Sep 24, 2009
Fall color emerging with brilliance in Killington
Killington Basin showing great fall color

Killington Basin showing great fall color. Click for a panorama of Killington.

Killington Basin showing great fall color

Killington Basin showing great fall color. Click for a panorama of Killington.

I had a chance to venture out of the inn earlier today to take a look at the progression of fall colors in the area. At this point, there is no denying that the color is ahead of the last couple of years. My tongue in cheek post of a couple of days ago about October 5th may have been prophetic.

Color in the Killington Basin area around Killington Peak is really starting to pop. The maple trees are turning a bright shade of red. The oak trees are just starting to show a little orange. And the birch and poplar trees are adding a little yellow to the scene.

People who have booked this weekend into Central Vermont have really scored. Leaf peepers visiting Killington in the next 10-20 days should see some beautiful color at Killington and along the Route 100 valley.

Fall foliage season is on!

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