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Tuesday, Aug 25, 2009
Killingtonblog.com goes mobile
killingtonblog.com Iphone webAPP icon

killingtonblog.com Iphone webAPP icon

killingtonblog.com Iphone webAPP icon

killingtonblog.com Iphone webAPP icon

Killingtonblog.com has a new format. Actually, a bunch of new formats. Through the marvels of computer science, and a fair amount of work, Killingtonblog.com will (should??) display well on your computer screen, your Iphone or Ipod Touch, and most other mobile phones.

I have been working on the Killingtonblog.com software for a few weeks. When I originally developed the site, I generated most of the software myself from scratch. Blogger and other sites were in their infancy and I wanted to get my site going. So off to write code I went.

When I first started the blog in 2005, devices like the Iphone had not been born. Most mobile phones had rudimentary web browsers at best. So the blog was originally optimized for a computer screen.

A lot has changed in 4 years. I use my Ipod Touch every day around the inn to read email and access websites. A huge percentage of our customers visit the inn with their Iphones or Blackberries in hand.

Since I have not been playing golf due to my shoulder injury, I have been studying how to convert all of my web sites to become mobile compatible. After all, you will probably be reading this site on a mobile device very soon. It should look good.

While I cannot confirm that it will work properly on all mobile phones (I can only simulate their performance with the software tools I have), I can say that it does work well on the Iphone/Ipod Touch family. If you want to add it to your home screen as a web app, you can hit the button in Mobile Safari at the bottom of the page and follow along with the dialog. It also appears to work well with Motorola Razr, Nokia, and LG simulators (when set for handheld screens). It works best on more modern phones, but even on some older models the simulator look pretty good.

Killingtonblog.com has also been tested on the desktop against Apple Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer 8 and 6 (I skipped 7... if you are still on 6 it's time to upgrade). If you see anything funny in the process, drop me a line and let me know.

Hope you enjoy the new blog format. Where ever you may be, hit the ball straight, and don't forget your sun screen!

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