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Friday, Jul 10, 2009
Sunshine at Killington - Finally!
Finally some sun on the mountain!

Finally some sun on the mountain!

Finally some sun on the mountain!

Finally some sun on the mountain!

Killington residents and visitors today were quaking in fear as the sky appeared to be on fire early this morning. A bright yellow orb hung over the Killington Basin, replacing the dark overcast and torrential rains of the last several weeks. The sun was shining!

I have not been good updating the blog this summer, and I apologize. Typing one handed has been a drag, but that is rapidly coming to an end as I complete my first round of physical therapy to heal the shoulder surgery I had a month ago. I doubt I will be swinging golf clubs this season, but I will start strength training for my shoulder in about 2 weeks.... so we will see.

I have been spending most of my time in my office working on the details of next weekends Killington Wine Festival. The festival logistics planning is just about complete. The festival did get a small write up in todays Wall Street Journal. ...Next week will be interesting as we watch ticket sales to the event grow every day. Last year we had close to 500 people on the mountain. Keep your fingers crossed about this year.

Of course, now that the sun has returned, get out and enjoy summer.... and don't forget your sunscreen.

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