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Saturday, Jul 7, 2007
A little bird at Killington
Slate Gray Junco guarding the entrance to the Birch Ridge Inn

Slate Gray Junco
guarding the entrance
to the Birch Ridge Inn

Slate Gray Junco guarding the entrance to the Birch Ridge Inn

Slate Gray Junco
guarding the entrance
to the Birch Ridge Inn

While we were on vacation in Ireland in May, unbeknownst to us, a slate gray Junco took up residence in the rug juniper bushes surrounding the entrance to the inn. When we returned in late May, and all through the month of June, Mary and I watched this little guard bird proudly sitting on top of a light at the end of the walkway leading to the inn. Nothing came in, or went out of the inn without being seen by the Junco's watchful eyes.

For those of you who are not familiar with a Junco, they are birds that look like small sparrows. Their plumage is somewhat monochromatic. The Audubon Society states that Junco's build nests at ground level, generally in bushes or other ground vegetation. They winter in the southern United States along the gulf all the way to Mexico. Their summer range is from Alaska to Canada and along the northern border states of the US.

From our personal experience, the little Junco was quite aggressive. If you interfered with its territory, you were greeted with a series of sharp clicks. Of course, in May and Early June, the Junco had the run of the front of the inn. Other than greeting Mary or I upon our return from a round of golf, the little Junco managed to entertain our guests with its clicks and squeaks from the top of the light, or the peak of the inn's roof. But as we entered the summer season last week, the Junco's territory went through some big changes.

Last week, our restaurant opened for the summer season. Fortunately (for Mary and I) a steady stream of diners and bar goers came to the inn for our re-opening weekend. And of course, we had a benefit brunch for Team Killington and the Komen Foundation last Sunday. On Sunday alone, well over 50 people between guests and staff entered the domain of the little Junco. By Sunday night, the little bird was looking schitzophrentically along the walk leading to the inn, trying to keep watch over it's territory; protecting it from intruders.

When we got up on Monday morning, the little Junco was gone. We are not sure if it fled Killington, or just moved to a quieter nesting place. Mary was disappointed, as she had gotten used to our guard bird announcing visitors to the inn while she was working in the garden. But all things do change. And the little bird's departure did mean that the inn was getting busier, which for us at least is a good thing.

We spotted a Junco in our back yard for the first time on Wednesday afternoon. We are not sure if it is the same one that has held court at the front of the inn the last 2 months, but we hope so. Killington is, after all, a great place to come to and just hang out in the summer.

Where ever you may be, just remember to keep it in the fairway and use your sunscreen.

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