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Thursday, Jan 16, 2020
Just in time for MLK Weekend - Snow in Killington!
Birch Ridge Inn covered with newly fallen snow.

Birch Ridge Inn covered with newly fallen snow.

Birch Ridge Inn covered with newly fallen snow.

Birch Ridge Inn covered with newly fallen snow.

Just magical.... Thank you Mother Nature!

Some times Mother Nature giveths. Some times Mother Nature takes it away.....

Last weekend, Mother Nature took it away. After receiving about a foot of snow in Killington the first week of January, Mother Nature played a cruel joke on the area and caused the temperature to spike into the high 50's with liquid precipitation falling from a persistent gray sky.

This week, Mother Nature has been kinder to Killington with steady cold temparatures. Cold is good, because it gave Killington Snow Makers the opportunity to fire up Killington's snowmaking system and repair the damage Mother Nature wrought.

But this morning, Mother Nature giveth! The entire region has been blanketed with 4 to 6 inches of beautiful, bright white, snow. And the weather forecast is calling for snow to fall on and off again during the weekend as well. Just in time to give visitors to Killington over the Martin Luther Holiday Weekend fresh snow to play in at the resort, and around town as well.

If you are one of the lucky ones to visit Killington this weekend, may your travels be safe as you journey through the mountains to reach us. Let It Snow!

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